Tak senator Wendy Davis walczyła o prawo do aborcji dla swoich i nie tylko swoich wyborców. Kto tak potrafi w Polsce walczyć o prawa kobiet do decydowania o własnym ciele?

By now you’ve heard the story of Wendy Davis, the senator who stood up to powerful interests, giving a voice for the millions of women across our country who are having their rights stolen from them at exponential rates. Here’s how she rallied the voices of the voiceless to shut down a state legislature and light a fire under all of our feet to protect a woman’s right to control her own body.

nagranie, szczególnie gorące od 3 min.: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Je3lRGs-_AA

Her shoes and your voices kept her standing. You could share this and help her continue standing up for everyone. Up to you


Źródło: http://www.upworthy.com/this-is-what-happens-when-old-sexist-men-try-to-take-away-womens-rights-in-the-dark-of-night-10?c=ufb1

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